Tuesday, April 5, 2011


On April 5th 2010 I had my first chemo infusion.  Today, one year later to the day, I had my last chemo infusion.  This is my last bracelet I will ever have to wear from the oncology clinic.

Here I am holding my last line that leads to my port.  Each chemo infusion I had my port accessed and through this line my chemo is infused into my bloodstream.

The nurse must program the pump that delivers my chemo.  Each time it's different if my weight fluctuates at all.  But my herceptin infusions only lasted for thirty minutes.  So, not bad at all.  When I had all three of my chemo drugs on board, I was in the chair for three hours.

One of the nurses presented me with this chocolate cupcake as a token of celebration on this special day.

Here I am with my IV pole.  I named her Fern.  Fern stood by me faithfully every three weeks for one year, and delivered my chemo that would later kill the cancer and save my life.   


Sherri B. said...

Yippy yahoo!! And what a loyal friend Fern turned out to be, never leaving your side. I'm sure you shared your cupcake with her, as this is the last time you will see her. I heard that she has another important assignment to go on and won't be coming back...So long Fern and thanks for your help.

jean said...

I am so happy for you! May the Lord continue to help you recuperate on the long journey of healing.

Life in Rehab said...

I just hopped over here from Sherri's, and congratulations! I see some red hair there- I didn't lose any of mine either! Do you think the redheadedness may have something to do with it?

Edward said...

I think many cupcakes are in order congratulations! Am very happy for you.

Sherry said...

Fern is one friend you'll be glad to say good-bye to. Helpful as she was, I hope you'll never have to visit her again. It was your humor that really got you through.